Leaves kidney-shaped, to 45mm across, as long as they are wide with a prominent pointed tip. Flowers below or just above the leaf.
Almost black, up to 15mm across, always below the leaf or just emerging above, lateral sepals showing well above; the petals short, horizontal to drooping. With dorsal sepal wide and pitted. Labellum sides incurved, the lower edge not ragged; inner labellum notably hairy.
October - November.
Stream sides, in damp ground and moderate shade. Waikato southwards, widespread.
Widespread but at risk - naturally uncommon.
Quite variable in colouring of the dorsal sepal and extent of colour around the labellum aperture. Close to C. hypogaeus and C. confusus Voucher specimen (CHR534742; Trotters Gorge)
Key features
Long dorsal sepal, enclosing, dark maroon labellum with a hairy face and a greenish rim to the opening.