Stem and leaves often tinged red. Leaf short, quarter to half the 90 cm height of the flower stem, wide and tapering sharply, upright, black ribbed.
Up to 20 large blue-mauve with prominent darker veins. Column white, top bronze, somewhat rectangular in side view, deeply cleft, reddish-orange to reddish-brown. Cilia sparse, white on lateral lobes that project forwards and upwards in a gentle curve.
October - December.
Sea level to montane, dry tracksides. reported so far only from Northland, NW Nelson and Marlborough Sounds.
Data Deficient.
The short leaf, when present, is distinct. A more robust plant than T. colensoi with larger flowers and a darker column. Two Northland forms have a similar flower.
Key features
Pale flowers, column top rounded bronze with a deep rounded cleft, cilia sparse, leaf short and broad.