The 2022 list of New Zealand Orchid taxa, compiled by Ian St George.
Currently accepted names are underlined. Previous names for each species are noted underneath.
“Sensu” is a Latin term meaning “in the sense of”. Sometimes used in two ways sensu lato and sensu stricto - abbreviated to s.l. and s.s. These terms mean ‘in the broad sense’ and ‘in the strict sense’. They are usually
applied when a species has been split into more than one species - e.g. Acianthus reniformis sensu Moore Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 75: 369 (1945). Sensu here means in the sense that Lucy Moore
described it in the publication.
Tag-named entities, with one exception, include reference to the herbarium voucher number.
To search for details about a particular species click on the species name highlighted in brownish-orange, This will take you directly to the page for that species. Clicking on the main photo for a species will enlarge the image and make available a click through gallery of largest available size photos for that species.
Acianthus - R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland 321 (1810).
- Acianthus sinclairii Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 245 (1853).
Acianthus fornicatus var. sinclairii Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 76: 369 (1945).
Adenochilus - Hook.f. Fl. Nov-Zel. 1: 246, t.56 (1853).
- Adenochilus gracilis Hook.f. Fl. Nov-Zel. 1: 246, t.56 (1853).
Aporostylis - Rupp & Hatch. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 70: 60 (1946).
- Aporostylis bifolia (Hook.f.) Rupp & Hatch. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 70: 60 (1946).
Caladenia bifolia Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 247 (1853).
Chiloglottis traversii F.Muell. Veg. Chath. Is. 51 (1864).
Caladenia macrophylla Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 27: 396 (1895).
Chiloglottis bifolia (Hook.f.) Schltr. Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 45: 383 (1911).
Bulbophyllum - Thouars. Hist. Orchid., Tabl. Esp. 3. (1822).
- Bulbophyllum pygmaeum (Sm.) Lindl. Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 58 (1830).
Dendrobium pygmaeum Sm. in Rees. Cycl. (Rees) 11: n.27 (1808) Orchadian 13: 499 (2002).
Bolbophyllum ichthyostomum Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 26: 319 (1894).
Ichthyostomum pygmaeum (Sm.) D.L.Jones, M.A.Clem. & Molloy. Orchadian 13: 499 (2002). - Bulbophyllum tuberculatum Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 16: 336 (1884).
Adelopetalum tuberculatum (Colenso) D.L.Jones, M.A.Clem. & Molloy. Orchadian 13: 498 (2002).
Bulbophyllum exiguum sensu Buchanan. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 16: 397 (1884).
Caladenia - R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 323 (1810).
- Caladenia alata R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 324 (1810).
Caladenia minor var. exigua Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 688 (1906).
Caladenia exigua Cheeseman. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 45: 96 (1913).
Caladenia carnea var. alata (R.Br.) Domin. Bibliotheca Botanica Heft 85: 549 (1915).
Caladenia carnea var. exigua (Cheeseman) Rupp. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 69: 75 (1944).
Caladenia holmesii Rupp. Vic. Naturalist 70: 179 (1954).
Caladenia catenata var. exigua (Cheeseman) W.M.Curtis. Stud. Fl. Tasman. 4A: 133 (1979).
Petalochilus alatus (R.Br.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 406 (2001). - Caladenia atradenia D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 12: 221 (1997).
Stegostyla atradenia (D.L. Jones, Molloy & M.A. Clem.) D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 414 (2001).
Caladenia iridescens sensu Hatch. NZNOG Journal 16: 1 (1985).
Caladenia carnea var. minor forma calliniger Hatch. Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand, Bot. 2: 187 (1963). - Caladenia bartlettii (Hatch) D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 12: 227 (1997).
Caladenia carnea var. bartlettii Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 77: 402 (1949).
Petalochilus bartlettii (Hatch) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 406 (2001).
Caladenia “nitidoa rosea” Mathews in MS. - first reference Scanlen NZNOG Journal 58:35 (1996) H.B. Matthews’ manuscript descriptions of New Zealand orchids c.1928.
Caladenia “speckles” - Caladenia chlorostyla D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 12: 223 (1997).
Petalochilus chlorostylus (D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem) D.L. Jones & M.A. Clem. Orchadian 13: 406 (2001).
Caladenia catenata sensu Cooper. Field guide to NZ native orchids 17 (1984).
Caladenia alba R.Br.
Caladenia “red stem”
Caladenia “green stem”
Petalochilus calyciformis R.S.Rogers J. Bot. 62: 66 (1924).
Petalochilus saccatus R.S.Rogers J. Bot. 62: 66, t.571, 4-7 (1924). - Caladenia lyallii Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 247 (1853).
Stegostyla lyallii (Hook.f.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 413 (2001). - Caladenia minor Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 247, t.56b (1853).
Caladenia carnea var. minor Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 77: 401 (1949).
Caladenia catenata var. minor W.M.Curtis. Stud. Fl. Tasman. 4A: 106 (1979).
Petalochilus minor (Hook.f.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 410 (2001).
Caladenia aff. pusilla - Caladenia nothofageti D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 12: 226, f.1 (1997).
Petalochilus nothofageti (D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 410 (2001). - Caladenia variegata Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 17: 248 (1885).
Petalochilus variegatus (Colenso) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 410 (2001). Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 329 (1810).
Caleana - R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 329 (1810).
- Caleana minor R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 329 (1810).
Paracaleana minor (R.Br.) Blaxell. Contr. New South Wales Natl. Herb. 4: 281 (1972).
Caleya minor (R.Br.) Sweet. Hort. Brit. (Sweet) 385 (1826).
Caleya sullivanii F.Muell. Australas. Chem. Druggist 4: 44 (1882).
Caleana nublingii Nicholls. Vict. Naturalist 48:15 (1931)
Paracaleana sullivanii (F.Muell.) Blaxell. Contr. New South Wales Natl. Herb. 4:281 (1972)
Sullivania minor (R.Br.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 15: 36 (2005).
Calochilus - R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 322 (1810).
- Calochilus herbaceus Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. Plant.: 45 (1840).
Calochilus campestris sensu Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 77: 248 (1949)
Calochilus “viridi-sanguineus” Matthews in MS. - Calochilus paludosus R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 320 (1810).
- Calochilus robertsonii Benth. Fl. Austral. 6: 315 (1873).
Calochilus imberberis R.S.Rogers Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. South Australia 51:4 (1927).
Calochilus platychilus D.L.Jones Orchadian 15(12): 547 (2008). Orchadian 13: 410 (2001).
Calochilus campestris sensu Fitzg. Austral. Orch. 1: t.6 (1878).
Calochilus campestris sensu Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 686 (1906).
Chiloglottis - R.Br. Beitr. Syst. Pflanzenk. 67 (1871)
- Chiloglottis cornuta Hook.f. Fl. Antarct. 1: 69 (1844)
Caladenia cornuta (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. Beitr. Syst. Pflanzenk. 67 (1871).
Simpliglottis cornuta (Hook.f.) Szlach. Polish Bot. J. 46: 13 (2001). - Chiloglottis formicifera Fitzg. Austral. Orch. 1: t9 (1877).
Myrmechila formicifera (Fitzg.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 15: 37 (2005). - Chiloglottis trapeziformis Fitzg. Austral. Orch. 1: (1877).
Myrmechila trapeziformis (Fitzg.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 15: 37 (2005). - Chiloglottis valida D.L.Jones. Austral. Orchid Res. 2: 43-44, t.54, plate p.92 (1991).
Simpliglottis valida (D.L.Jones) Szlach. Polish Bot. J. 46: 14 (2001).
Chiloglottis gunnii sensu Molloy. Native Orchids of NZ: 9 (1983).
Corybas - Salisb. Parad. Lond. t.83 (1807).
- Corybas acuminatus M.A.Clem. & Hatch. New Zealand J. Bot. 23: 491, f.2 (1985).
Nematoceras acuminatum (M.A.Clem. & Hatch) Molloy, D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 449 (2002.
Corysanthes acuminata (M.A.Clem. & Hatch) Szlach. Richardiana 3: 97 (2003).
Corybas rivularis sensu Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 697 (1906). - Corybas carsei (Cheeseman) Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 75: 367 (1945).
Corysanthes carsei Cheeseman. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 44: 162 (1912).
Anzybas carsei (Cheeseman) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 443 (2002). Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 19:23 (1923)
Corybas unguiculatus sensu L.B.Moore. Fl. New Zeal. 2: 116 (1970) - Corybas cheesemanii (Hook.f. ex Kirk) Kuntze. Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 657 (1891).
Corysanthes cheesemanii Hook.f. ex Kirk. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 3: 180 (1871). Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 657 (1891) Phytotaxa 270: 9 (2016)
Corybas aconitiflorus sensu Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 75: 367 (1945). - Corybas confusus Lehnebach. Phytotaxa 270: 9 (2016).
- Corybas cryptanthus Hatch. Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 83: 577 (1956).
- Molloybas cryptanthus (Hatch) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian13: 448 (2002).
Corybas saprophyticus sensu Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79: 366, t.71 (1952). - Corybas dienemus D.L. Jones Fl. Australia 50: 572 (1993)
Corysanthes dienema (D.L.Jones) Szlach Richardiana 3: 98 (2003).
Nematoceras dienemum DL Jones et al. Orchadian 13: 449 (2002). - Corybas hatchii Lehnebach. NZNOG Journal 139: 4 (2016)
Corybas macranthus var. longipetalus Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 76: 580, t.60 (1947).
Nematoceras longipetalum (Hatch) Molloy, D.L. Jones and M.A. Clem. Orchadian 13: 449 (2002).
Corybas longipetalus (Hatch) Hatch. NZNOG Journal 47: 6 (1993). - Corybas hypogaeus (Colenso) Lehnebach. N.Z. Native Orchid Journal 139: 5 (2016).
Corysanthes hypogaea Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 16: 336 (1884).
Nematoceras hypogaeum (Colenso) Molloy, D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 449 (2002). - Corybas iridescens Irwin & Molloy. New Zealand J. Bot. 34: 1, f.1 (1996).
Nematoceras iridescens (Irwin & Molloy) Molloy, D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 449 (2002).
Corysanthes iridescens (Irwin & Molloy) Szlach. Richardiana 3: 98 (2003). - Corybas macranthus (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. Beitr. Syst. Pflanzenk. 67 (1871).
Nematoceras macranthum Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 250 (1853).
Corysanthes macrantha (Hook.f.) Hook.f. Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. 266 (1864). - Corybas oblongus (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. Beitr. Syst. Pflanzenk. 67 (1871).
Singularybas oblongus (Hook.f.) Molloy, D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 449 (2002).
Nematoceras oblonga Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 250, t.57B (1853).
Corysanthes oblonga (Hook.f.) Hook.f. Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. 266 (1864). - Corybas obscurus Lehnebach. Phytotaxa 270: 11 (2016).
Corybas “darkie” NZNOG Journal (19??) - Corybas orbiculatus (Colenso) L.B.Moore. Fl. New Zeal. 2: 118 (1970).
Corysanthes orbiculata Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 23: 389 (1891).
Nematoceras orbiculatum (Colenso) Molloy, D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 449 (2002). Phytotaxa 270:11 (2016)
Corybas orbiculatus sensu L.B.Moore. Fl. New Zeal. 2: 118 (1970). - Corybas papa Molloy & Irwin. New Zealand J. Bot. 34: 5, f.1 (1996).
Nematoceras papa (Molloy & Irwin) Molloy, D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 449 (2002)
Corysanthes papa (Molloy & Irwin) Szlach. Richardiana 3: 98 (2003). - Corybas papillosus (Colenso) Lehnebach. Orchadian 13: 449 (2002)
Corysanthes papillosa Colenso. Fl. New Zeal. 2: 118 (1970)
Nematoceras papillosum (Colenso) Molloy, D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Fl. New Zeal. 2: 118 (1970) - Corybas rivularis (A.Cunn.) Rchb.f. Beitr. Syst. Pflanzenk. 67 (1871).
Acianthus rivularis A.Cunn. Companion Bot. Mag. 2: 376 (1837).
Nematoceras rivulare (A.Cunn.) Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 251 (1853).
Corysanthes rivularis (A.Cunn.) Hook.f. Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. 266 (1864).
Nematoceras panduratum (Cheeseman) Molloy, D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 449 (2002).
Corysanthes rotundifolia var. pandurata Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 366 (1925).
Corysanthes rotundifolia sensu Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 697 (1906).
Corybas orbiculatus sensu L.B.Moore. Fl. NZ Vol. 2: 118 (1970). - Corybas “Hump” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “Kaimai” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “rest area” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “Kaitarakihi” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “whiskers” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “viridis” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “Mangahuia” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “sphagnum” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “Pollok” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “Motutangi” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas rotundifolius (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. Beitr. Syst. Pflanzenk. 67 (1871)
Nematoceras rotundifolia Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 251 (1853).
Corysanthes rotundifolia (Hook.f.) Hook.f. Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. 266 (1864).
Corysanthes matthewsii Cheeseman. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 31: 351 (1899).
Corybas matthewsii (Cheeseman) Schltr. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 19: 23 (1923).
Anzybas rotundifolius (Hook.f.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 443 (2002).
Corybas unguiculatus sensu Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 75: 367 (1945) - Corybas sanctigeorgianus Lehnebach, Phytotaxa 270: 12 (2016).
Corybas “trisep” NZNOG Journal 76:40 (2000) - Corybas sulcatus(M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh. Vict. Naturalist 127:57 (2010).
Nematoceras sulcatum M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones Telopia 11: 406 (2007)
Nematoceras “Craigielea” Scanlen Colour Field Guide fig 60 (2010). - Corybas trilobus (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. Beitr. Syst. Pflanzenk. 67 (1871).
Nematoceras trilobum Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 250 (1853).
Corysanthes triloba Hook.f. Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. 265 (1864). - Corybas “pygmy”NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “Remutaka” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “Craigielea” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “tribrive” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “tridodd” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “Trotters” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas “Veil” NZNOG Journal
- Corybas vitreus Lehnebach. Phytotaxa 270: 12 (2016).
Corybas “Eastern Hills” NZNOG Journal - Corybas walliae Lehnebach. Phytotaxa 270: 13 (2016).
Corybas “triwhite” NZNOG Journal
Cryptostylis - R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 317 (1810)
- Cryptostylis subulata (Labill.) Rchb.f. Beitr. Syst. Pflanzenk. 15 (1871).
Malaxis subulata Labill. Nov. Holl. Pl. 2: 62, t212 (1806).
Cyrtostylis - R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 322 (1810)
- Cyrtostylis oblonga Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 246 (1853).
Acianthus reniformis var. oblonga (Hook.f.) Rupp & Hatch. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 70: 59 (1946). - Cyrtostylis rotundifolia Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 246 (1853).
Cyrtostylis macrophylla Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 246 (1853).
Caladenia reniformis (R.Br.) Rchb.f. Beitr. Syst. Pflanzenk. 67 (1871).
Cyrtostylis oblonga var. rotundifolia (Hook.f.) Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 685 (1906).
Acianthus reniformis (R.Br.) Schltr. Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 34: 39 (1906).
Acianthus reniformis var. reniformis (Hook.f.) Rupp & Hatch. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 70: 59 (1946).Danhatchia - Garay & Christenson. Orchadian 11: 469 (1995)
Danhatchia - Garay & Christenson. Orchadian 11: 469, f.471 (1995
- Danhatchia australis (Hatch) Garay & Christenson. Orchadian 11: 470 (1995)
Yoania australis Hatch. Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand, Bot. 2: 185 (1963)
Danhatchia novaehollandiae Jones, D.L. & Clements, M.A. (2018) Australian Orchid Review 83.
Dendrobium - Swartz. Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal., ser.2 6: 82. (1799)
Dendrobium cunninghamii Lindl. Bot. Reg. 21 sub. t.1756 (1835).
Dendrobium biflorum sensu A.Rich. Essai. Fl. Nov. Zel. 221 (1832).
Dendrobium lessonii Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 15: 326 (1883).
Winika cunninghamii (Lindl.) M.A.Clem., D.L.Jones & Molloy. Orchadian 12: 214 (1997).
Drymoanthus - Nicholls. Vic. Naturalist 59: 173 (1943)
- Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill. Australasian Sarcanthinae: 32, t.3 (1967)
Sarcochilus adversus Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 241 (1853)
Sarcochilus breviscapa Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 14: 332 (1882)
Newzealochilus adversus (Hook.f.) R. Rice. Intro. Aust. & NZ Bulbophyllum and Vandaceous orchids (2019). - Drymoanthus flavus St George & Molloy. New Zealand J. Bot. 32: 416, f.1 (1994)
Newzealochilus flavus (St George & Molloy) R. Rice. Intro. Aust. & NZ Bulbophyllum and Vandaceous orchids (2019).
Earina - Lindl. Bot. Reg. sub t. 1699 (1834)
- Earina aestivalis Cheeseman. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 51: 93 (1919).
- Earina autumnalis (G.Forst.) Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 239 (1853).
Epidendrum autumnale G.Forst. Fl. Ins. Austr. Prodr. 60 (1786).
Earina suaveolens Lindl. Bot. Reg. 29:61 (1843).
Earina alba Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 18: 267 (1886). - Earina mucronata Lindl. Bot. Reg. 20 sub t.1699 (1834).
Earina quadrilobata Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 15: 325 (1883).
Gastrodia - R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 330 (1810).
- Gastrodia cooperae Lehnebach & J.R.Rolfe. Phytotaxa 277: 242 (2016).
Gastrodia “long column black” NZNOG Journal (200?) - Gastrodia cunninghamii Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 251 (1853).
Gastrodia leucopetala Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 18: 268 (1886). - Gastrodia minor Petrie. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 25: 273, t.20, f. 5-7 (1893).
- Gastrodia molloyi Lehnebach & J.R.Rolfe. Phytotaxa 277: 244 (2016).
Gastrodia “long column” NZNOG Journal 54:17 (1995) - Gastrodia sesamoides R. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. : 330 (1810).
Genoplesium - (Hook.f.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Lindleyana 4: 144 (1989)
- Genoplesium nudum (Hook.f.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Lindleyana 4: 144 (1989)
Corunastylis nuda (Hook.f.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 461 (2002).
Prasophyllum nudum Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 242 (1853).
Prasophyllum tunicatum Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 242 (1853)
Prasophyllum variegatum Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 20: 208 (1888).
Prasophyllum beaugleholei Nicholls. Vic. Naturalist 59: 9 (1942).
Prasophyllum hopsonii Rupp Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 53:341 (1928) - Genoplesium pumilum (Hook.f.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Lindleyana 4: 144 (1989).
Corunastylis pumila (Hook.f.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 13: 461 (2002).
Prasophyllum pumilum Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 242 (1853).
Microtis - R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 320 (1810)
- Microtis arenaria Lindl. Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. t.306 (1840).
Microtis biloba Nicholls. Vic. Naturalist 66: 93 f.O-L (1949).
Microtis papillosa Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 18: 269 (1886). - Microtis oligantha L.B.Moore. New Zealand J. Bot. 6: 473, f.1 (1969)
Microtis magnadenia sensu Hatch. Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand, Bot. 2: 185-189 (1963). - Microtis parviflora R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 321 (1810).
Microtis javanica Rchb.f. Bonplandia 5: 36 (1857).
Microtis benthamiana Rchb.f. Beitr. Syst. Pflanzenk. 24 (1871).
Microtis porrifolia var parviflora (R.Br.) Rodway. Tasman. Fl. 195 (1903).
Microtis aemula Schltr. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 39: 37 (1906).
Microtis bipulvinaris Nicholls. Vic. Naturalist 66: 92, f.A-F (1949).
Microtis holmesii Nicholls. Vic. Naturalist 66:94 (1949). - Microtis unifolia (G.Forst.) Rchb.f. Beitr. Syst. Pflanzenk. 62 (1871).
Ophrys unifolia G.Forst. Fl. Ins. Austr. 59 (1786).
Epipactis porrifolia Sw. Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl. 21: 233 (1800).
Microtis porrifolia (Sw.) R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland 320 (1810).
Microtis banksii A.Cunn. Ex Hook Bot. Mag. 62: sub 1.3377 (1835).
Microtis frutetorum Schltdl. Linnaea 20: 568 (1847).
Microtis viridis F.Muell. Fragm. (Mueller) 5: 97 (1865).
Microtis longifolia Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 17: 247 (1885). Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 395 (1840)
Orthoceras - R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 316 (1810)
Orthoceras novae-zeelandiae (A.Rich.) M.A.Clem., D.L.Jones & Molloy. Austral. Orchid Res. 1: 100 (1989).
Diuris novae-zeelandiae A.Rich. Essai Fl. Nov. Zel. In J.S.C.Dumont d’Urville, Voy. Astrolabe 1:163 (1832).
Orthoceras solandri Lindl. Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 512 (1840).
Orthoceras rubrum Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 18: 278 (1886).
Orthoceras caput-serpentis Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 22: 490 (1890)
Orthoceras strictum R. Br. forma viride Hatch. Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand, Bot. 2: 195 (1963).
Orthoceras strictum R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 317 (1810)
Prasophyllum - R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 317 (1810)
Prasophyllum colensoi Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 241 (1853).
Prasophyllum pauciflorum Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 18: 273 (1886).
Prasophyllum rogersii sensu Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 76: 290 (1946).Prasophyllum elegantissimum Lehnebach, J. Alderton-Moss & D.L. Shepherd. New Zealand Journal of Botany (2025).
Prasophyllum “B” Irwin NZNOG Journal 79, pp 8-11. (2001).Prasophyllum hectorii (Buchanan) Molloy, D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 15: 41 (2005).
Gastrodia hectori Buchanan. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 19: 214 (1886).
Prasophyllum patens sensu Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 675 (1906).
Prasophyllum suttoni sensu Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 76: 291 (1946).
Pterostylis - R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 326 (1810)
- Pterostylis agathicola D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 12: 266 (1997).
Pterostylis graminea var. rubricaulis H.B.Matthews ex Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 351 (1925).
Pterostylis montana var. rubricaulis (Cheeseman) Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 77: 240, plate 23 (1949). - Pterostylis alobula (Hatch) L.B.Moore. New Zealand J. Bot. 6: 486, f.3 (1969).
Pterostylis trullifolia sensu Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 682 (1906).
Pterostylis trullifolia var. alobula Hatch. Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 77: 244, t.30, f.3E-H (1949).
Diplodium alobulum (Hatch) D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem. Austral. Orchid Res. 4: 70 (2002) - Pterostylis alveata Garnet. Vic. Naturalist 59: 91 (1939)
Diplodium alveatum (Garnet) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Austral. Orchid Res. 4: 70 (2002). - Pterostylis areolata Petrie. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 50: 210 (1918).
Pterostylis auriculata Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 22: 489 (1890). - Pterostylis australis Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 248 (1853).
- Pterostylis banksii A.Cunn. Companion Bot. Mag. 2: 376 (1837).
- Pterostylis brumalis L.B.Moore. New Zealand J. Bot. 6: 485 (1968). Fl. New Zeal. 2:143 (1970).
Pterostylis trullifolia var. rubella Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 77: 244 (1949)
Diplodium brumale (L.B.Moore) D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem. Austral. Orchid Res. 4: 70 (2002). - Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper. New Zealand J. Bot. 21: 97, f.1,2 (1983).
- Pterostylis cernua D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 12: 267, f.2 (1997).
- Pterostylis emarginata Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 15: 328 (1883).
- Pterostylis foliata Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 249 (1853).
Pterostylis vereenae R.S.Rogers. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. South Australia 38: 360-361, f.18(2) (1914).
Pterostylis gracilis Nicholls. Vic. Naturalist 43: 324-326 (1927). - Pterostylis graminea Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 248 (1853).
- Pterostylis humilis R.S.Rogers. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. South Australia 46: 151 (1922).
- Pterostylis irsoniana Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 78: 104, t.18 (1950).
- Pterostylis irwinii D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 12: 269 (1997).
- Pterostylis micromega Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 248 (1853).
Pterostylis polyphylla Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 22: 489 (1890).
Pterostylis furcata var. micromega Hatch. Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 80: 326 (1953). - Pterostylis montana Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 77: 239, t.22 (1949).
- Pterostylis nutans R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 327 (1810).
- Pterostylis matthewsii Cheeseman. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 47: 46 (1915).
- Pterostylis oliveri Petrie. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 26: 270 (1894).
- Pterostylis paludosa D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 12: 271 (1997).
Pterostylis furcata var. linearis Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 77: 243, t.22 (1949). - Pterostylis patens Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 18: 270 (1886).
Pterostylis banksii var. patens Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 75: 370 (1945). - Pterostylis porrecta D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 12: 272 (1997).
- Pterostylis puberula Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 249 (1853).
Linguella puberula (Hook.f.) D.L.Jones, M.A.Clem. & Molloy. Austral. Orchid Res. 4: 75 (2002).
Pterostylis nana sensu Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 77: 237 (1949). - Pterostylis silvicultrix (F.Muell.) Molloy, D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Austral. Orchid Res. 4: 66 (2002).
Pterostylis banksii var. silvicultrix F.Muell. Veg. Chath. Is. 51 (1864). - Pterostylis speciosa Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 22: 488 (1890).
- Pterostylis subsimilis Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 28: 611 (1896).
- Pterostylis tanypoda D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 12: 273 (1997).
Hymenochilus tanypodus (D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem.) D.L.Jones, M.A.Clem. & Molloy. Austral. Orchid Res. 4: 74 (2002).
Pterostylis cycnocephala sensu L.B.Moore. Fl. New Zeal. 2: 135 (1970). - Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones. Muelleria 8: 190 (1994).
Plumatichilos tasmanicum (D.L.Jones) Szlach. Polish Bot. J. 46: 23 (2001).
Pterostylis squamata sensu Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 249 (1853).
Pterostylis barbata sensu Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 683 (1906).
Pterostylis plumosa sensu Cooper. Field guide to NZ native orchids 51 (1981). - Pterostylis tristis Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 18: 271 (1886).
Hymenochilus tristis (Colenso) D.L.Jones, M.A.Clem. & Molloy. Austral. Orchid Res. 4: 74 (2002).
Pterostylis mutica sensu Cheeseman. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 15: 300 (1883). - Pterostylis trullifolia Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 249 (1853).
Pterostylis rubella Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 18: 271 (1886).
Pterostylis trullifolia var. gracilis Cheeseman. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 47: 271 (1915).
Diplodium trullifolium (Hook.f.) D.L.Jones, Molloy & M.A.Clem. Austral. Orchid Res. 4: 72 (2002). - Pterostylsi venosa Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 28: 610 (1896).
Pterostylis trifolia Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 31: 281 (1896).
Pterostylis confertifolia Allan. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 56: 32 (1926).
Spiranthes - Rich. De Orchid. Eur. 20, 28, 36 (1817)
- Spiranthes australis Lindl. Bot. Reg. 10 subt. 823 (1824).
Spiranthes novae-zelandiae Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 243 (1853).
Neottia australis R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland 319 (1810).
Spiranthes sinensis sensu Rupp & Hatch. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 70: 58 (1946)
Spiranthes lancea sensu Hatch. Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 82: 614 (1954).
Spiranthes “Motutangi” NZNOG Journal.
Taeniophyllum - Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind.: 355 (1825)
- Taeniophyllum nothlandicum R.Rice & M.A.M.Renner Introd. Austral. New Zealand Bulbophyllum & Vandaceous Orchids (2019).
Taeniophyllum norfolkianum D.L.Jones, B.Gray & M.A.Clem. Orchadian 15: 157 (2006).
Thelymitra - J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. Char. Gen. Pl. 97, t.49 (1776)
- Theymitra aemula Cheeseman. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 51: 94 (1919)
Thelymitra alba Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 18: 272 (1886).
Thelymitra longifolia var. alba Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 339 (1925). - Thelymitra brevifolia Jeanes. Muelleria 19: 19-79 (2004).
Thelymitra cornuta Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 20: 206 (1888). - Thelymitra carnea R.Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 314 (1810).
Thelymitra imberbis Hook.f. Fl. Nov.-Zel. 1: 244 (1853).
Thelymitra carnea var. imberbis Rupp & Hatch. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 70: 59 (1946). - Thelymitra colensoi (Colensoi) Hook.f. Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. 271 (1864).
Thelymitra intermedia Berggr. Minneskr. Fisiog. Sallsk. Lund 8: 21 (1877).
Thelymitra longifolia var. stenopetala Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79: 396, plate 80 F-H (1952).
Thelymitra longifolia var. intermedia Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79: 396, plate 80 J (1952) - Thelymitra concinna Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 20: 207 (1888).
- Thelymitra cyanea (Lindl.) Benth. Fl. Austral. 6: 323 (1873).
Macdonaldia cyanea Lindl. Bot. Reg. 25 (1840). Fl. Austral. 6: 323 (1873)
Thelymitra uniflora Hook.f. Fl. Antarct.: 70 (1844).
Thelymitra venosa sensu Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 671 (1906).
Thelymitra venosa var. typica Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79: 390, plate 77 A-C (1952).
Thelymitra venosa var. cedricsmithii Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79: 390, plate 77 D-E (1952).
Thelymitra venosa var. cyanea Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79: 391, plate 77 F-H (1952). - Thelymitra X dentata L.B.Moore. New Zealand J. Bot. 6: 478, f.2 (1969).
Thelymitra dentata L.B.Moore. New Zealand J. Bot. 6: 478, f.2 (1969). - Thelymitra formosa Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 16: 338 (1884).
Thelymitra circumsepta sensu Hatch. NZNOG Journal 65: 8 (1997). - Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore.New Zealand J. Bot. 6: 477, f.2 (1969).
Thelymitra pachyphylla sensu Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79: 394, plate 79 D-H (1952). - Thelymitra ixioides Swartz. Kongl. Vetansk. Acad. Nya Handl. 21: 253, t.3, f..L (1800).
Thelymitra ixioides var. typica Rupp & Hatch. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 70: 59 (1945).
Thelymitra hiemalis D.L. Jones, M.A. Clem. Orchadian 12: 330 (1998). - Thelymitra longifolia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. Char. Gen. Pl. 98, t.49 (1776).
Serapias regularis Banks & Sol. ex G.Forst. Fl. Ins. Austr. Prodr. 59 (1776).
Thelymitra forsteri Sw. Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl. 21: 228 (1800).
Thelymitra longifolia var. forsteri Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79: 396, plate 80 B-E (1952). - Thelymitra “Whakapapa” NZNOG Journal
- Thelymitra malvina M.A.Clem., D.L.Jones & Molloy. Austral. Orchid Res. 1: 141 (1989).
- Thelymitra matthewsii Cheeseman. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 43: 177 (1911).
- Thelymitra nemoralis Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 17: 249 (1885).
- Thelymitra nervosa Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 20: 207 (1888).
Thelymitra decora Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 1151 (1906). - Thelymitra pauciflora R.Br. Prodr. 314 (1810).
Thelymitra pauciflora sensu Jeanes. Muelleria 19: 19-79 (2004). - Thelymitra pulchella Hook.f. Fl Nov.-Zel. 1: 244 (1853).
Thelymitra “sansfimbria” Matthews in MS.
Thelymitra. pulchella sensu Cheeseman. - Thelymitra fimbriata Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 22: 490 (1890).
Thelymitra pachyphylla Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 1151 (1906).
Thelymitra caesia Petrie. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 51: 107 (1919).
Thelymitra pulchella s.l. (aff. erosa) - Thelymitra purpureofusca Colenso. Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 17: 249 (1885).
- Thelymitra sanscilia Irwin ex Hatch. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79: 397, plate 81 B-E (1952).
- Thelymitra tholiformis Molloy & Hatch. New Zealand J. Bot. 28: 111, f.6 (1990).
Thelymitra intermedia sensu L.B.Moore. Fl. New Zealand Vol. 2: 129 (1970). - Thelymitra “Ahipara” NZNOG Journal 98 (36)
- Thelymitra “Comet” NZNOG Journal.
- Thelymitra “darkie”McCrae. NZNOG Journal 24: 1; 77: 22 (1987).
- Thelymitra “fusca” NZNOG Journal.
- Thelymitra “Mangawhai” NZNOG Journal.
- Thelymitra “rough leaf” McCrae. NZNOG Journal 24: 11; 77: 22 (1987).
- Thelymitra “sky” Scanlen. NZNOG Journal 70: 30-35, f.6 (1998).
Townsonia - Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 692 (1906).
- Townsonia deflexa Cheeseman. Man. New Zealand Fl. 692 (1906).
Townsonia viridis sensu Schltr. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 250 (1911).
Acianthus viridis sensu L.B.Moore. Fl. New Zeal. Vol. 2: 107 (1970)
Waireia - D.L.Jones, M.A.Clem. & Molloy. Orchadian 12: 282 (1997)
- Waireia stenopetala (Hook.f.) D.L.Jones, M.A. Clem. & Molloy. Orchadian 12: 282 (1997)
Lyperanthus antarctica Hook.f. Fl. Antarct.: 544 (1847).
Thelymitra stenopetala Hook.f. Fl. Antarct.: 69 (1844).